News Update Monday 9th November

Training Focus

Here is the training focus for this weeks Adult classes.

Monday: Shihonage & Ukemi

Tuesday: Nikkajo & Dynamic

Wednesday: Hijiate & Jo/Firewalk

Thursday: Tenshinage & Tanto

Friday: Kotegaeshi & Self Defence

Saturday: Shomen Iriminage & Sword

Kids’ Life Skills Talk

As I missed putting this up last week, here is the life skills topic for this month’s Mat Chats.


This Wednesay is the Firewalk! We will be starting at 19:00, so please be here with plenty of time to spare!

Make sure that whatever you wear, you do not have any trailing clothing as this tends to lead to very sudden and exciting events!

Under 18s MUST be acompanied by a responsible adult.

We should be finishing around 21:00. Afterwards anyone who wishes to go out for a refreshment or two is welcome to join us!


You are your choices.”



Sensei Matt Thurman – Aikido Nottingham

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News Update Monday 2nd February

Training Focus

Monday: Sokkumen & Free Practice

Tuesday: Shihonage & Jo

Wednesday: Yonkajo & Tanto

Thursday: Sankajo & Self Defence

Friday: Nikkajo & Sword

Saturday: Ikkajo & Dynamic

Kids’ Grading Modules

This month the kids are grading on Module 4 of their curriculum.


Little Dragons

Kid’s Mat Chat

Here are the topics that we will be dicussing with the kids this month.

Quote of the week

If you don’t make mistakes, you’re not working on hard enough problems. And that’s a big mistake.”

Frank Wilczek


Sensei Matt Thurman – Aikido Nottingham

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News Update Monday 29th September

Training Focus


Monday: Yonkajo & Tanto

Tuesday: Ikkajo & Self Defence

Wednesday: Shihonage & Sword

Thursday: Nikkajo & Dynamic Training

Friday: Sokkumen Iriminage & Free Practice

Saturday: Sankajo & Jo


Little Dragons


Sensei Mustard Class

Thursday 2nd October, 19:30- 21:00.

Outdoor Self Defence

Friday 21st November, 18:30 - 20:00.

Black Belt Tests

Saturday 29th November, 13:30 onwards.


Sunday 30th November, evening. Exact time to follow.

Christmas Meal

Saturday 13th December, evening. Exact time to follow.


Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.”

Joshua J. Marine


Sensei Matt Thurman – Aikido Nottingham

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News Update Monday 15th September

Training Focus

This week is curriculum practice in preparation for grading next week. Here is the module focus for the week.

Monday: Free Pracrice

Tuesday: Jo

Wednesday: Tanto

Thursday: Self Defence

Friday: Sword

Saturday: Dynamic Practice


Hajimae Class

Friday 19th September 18:30 - 20:00

All those who are Self Defence class regulars on a friday should consider this clas mandatory unless excused by injury! This class is not  about technique, it’s about how hard you can push yourself before you break, it’s about how much can you give when you have nothing left! If you are injury free you and you want to truely test yourself you should try this class. OSU!

Outdoor Self Defence

Friday 21st November 18:30 - 20

Make sure you are at the Dojo and ready to go well before 18:30 so that we can start the class on time! Guests are more than welcome to join in!

“You can’t test courage cautiously.”

Annie Dillard


Sensei Matt Thurman – Aikido Nottingham

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News Update Monday 8th September

Training Focus

Here is the training focus for the week,

Monday: Shomen Iriminage & Dynamic Practice

Tuesday: Kotegaeshi & Free Practice

Wednesday: Tenshinage & Jo

Thursday: Hijiate & Tanto

Friday: Nikkajo & Self Defence

Saturday: Shihonage & Sword


Hajimae Class

Friday 19th September, 18:30 - 20:00

It’s here! If you want to push yourself through hell and back do the hajimae.

Those with injuries need not apply!

Outdoor Self Defence

Friday 21st November, 13:30 - 20:00

Take your Self Defence training outside of the Dojo and experience our one of a kind simulators to gain safe and controlled experience of a SD situation.


Keep your ears open for news of a confirmed date! All we can say right now is that the firewalk will be mid to late November.

See you there!


“A year from now you may wish you had started today.”

Karen Lamb


Sensei Matt Thurman – Aikido Nottingham

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News Update Monday 4th August

Hi all, sorry the posts have been more than a little sparse recently! I’ve been have some problems with WordPress but it seems to be sorted now.

Please make sure to read the section about the changes to Gradings!

Training Focus


Here is the traiing focus for the week.

Monday: Sokkumen & Free Training

Tuesday: Shihonage & Jo

Wednesday: Yonkajo & Tanto

Thursday: Sankajo & Self Defence

Friday: Nikkajo & Sword

Saturday: Ikkajo & Dynamic Practice

Juniors & Cadets

Here is the module the Juniors and Cadets will be tested on at the end of the month.

Little Dragons

Here is the testing module for the the Little Dragons this month.

Kids’ Mat Chat

Important Changes to Testing

As of this month we are changing the way we run our belt tests.

We will send out Grading invites via text to all students who will be ready to test for a new belt in Grading week.

To recieve an invite you must be on track to finish the month with enough tags to test, plus you must have trained at least 4 times within the las 30 days.

Students wishing to tag may do so as we currently do, it is only the belt test that have changed.

If you have any questons about this new system please don’t hesitate to call us!

 Summer School

Thank you to all who attended Summer School 2014. It was our best represented year for some time!

Those of you who would like to purchase a profesionally produced copy of the Team Photo can do so for £10 at the front desk.


To the man who only has a hammer, everything he encounters begins to look like a nail.”

Abraham Maslow


Sensei Matt Thurman – Aikido Nottingham

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Together we can help your child create an amazing future

We are excited to be introducing a whole new layer to our life skills programme for our younger students here at the Shudokan Black Belt Academy. Not only will this add value to your child’s membership but it will give them more to strive for, and more opportunities for success. We believe that success can become a habit.

Even with the best parenting in the world sometimes it can be difficult to keep our children on the right path. In today’s society we have so many negative influences that can be quite damaging to our children’s outlook and the way they perceive the world. Some of these negative influences can have quite a powerful draw making it difficult if not impossible for our children to ignore them.

However the more we can encourage our youngsters to engage in positive activities, to contribute, and to foster within them a winning success based mindset then the better chance they have of really making something of themselves.

Our new “Way of the Warrior – Life skills” system does just that. Our young members will be encouraged to strive for new achievements. The achievements are arranged in categories and will be displayed on a board placed in the family room. This way both you and your child can keep an eye on progress. I am looking to make this a web based thing also so you can check progress from home. Each time an achievement is completed it is marked on the board. Initially this system is in trial and will only be available for juniors and cadets; our intention though is to expand its use to our Little Dragons and to develop it further for our junior leaders. Going forward we can add achievements and even categories to give your child plenty to strive for. We will be rewarding success here at the dojo and it would be great if you could monitor your child’s progress and maybe reward at home also. Please monitor your child’s progress and work with us to encourage your child to strive towards achievements. If you have any ideas or thoughts to help us develop this system we would be pleased to hear them.

Our aim is to give out young members the tools to rise above mediocrity, the vision to dream great dreams, and the courage, the determination, and the will to strive to make their dreams a reality. Together we can help your child create an amazing future.

To find out more about our Way of the Warrior Life skills programme contact us here 

Yours in Budo

Sensei Ken Robson 7th Dan

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Free Outdoor Self Defence Course

Friday 21st February 18.30 -20.00 At Woodthorpe Grange Park

new woodthorpe

This is a free outdoor self defence course open to the public. (Adults) The aim of the course is to show basic skills and tools. Skills that can, hopefully, prepare you should you ever be unlucky enough to be in a situation that you may need them. It’s a fantastic event for team building and friends. Although we try to make this event as realistic as possible it is also taught in a friendly and fun way. Bring along family, friends and work colleagues. All are welcome!

Any queries please call us on 0115 985 6504.

Please share with your friends.

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