News Update Monday 3rd July

Training Focus

Well done to everyone who graded last month! Here is the training  focus for this week’s classes

Monday: Hijiate & Dynamic

Tuesday: Shihonage & Jo

Wednesday: Nikkajo & Tanto

Thursday: Sankajo & Self Defence

Friday: Tenshinage & Sword

Saturday: Yonkajo & Ukemi

Dates & Events

Painting Party

Saturday 15th July.

Starting at 13:45, grab a brush and a roller and help us pretty up the Dojo.

Black Belt Tests

Saturday 22nd July.

Kick off is at 13:45 sharp, We have Juniors and Adults grading for their next black belt promotions, including a HIGH level Adult test.

Summer School

Saturday 29th - Sunday 30th July.

Regardless of grade this is an event not to be missed! Two solid days of training with all our teachers, plus Sensei John Russell. Throw yourself in the deep end and have a great time!

Mat Chat

Here are the topics for this month’s life skills talks.


Sensei Matt Thurman – Aikido Nottingham

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News Update Monday 9th November

Training Focus

Here is the training focus for this weeks Adult classes.

Monday: Shihonage & Ukemi

Tuesday: Nikkajo & Dynamic

Wednesday: Hijiate & Jo/Firewalk

Thursday: Tenshinage & Tanto

Friday: Kotegaeshi & Self Defence

Saturday: Shomen Iriminage & Sword

Kids’ Life Skills Talk

As I missed putting this up last week, here is the life skills topic for this month’s Mat Chats.


This Wednesay is the Firewalk! We will be starting at 19:00, so please be here with plenty of time to spare!

Make sure that whatever you wear, you do not have any trailing clothing as this tends to lead to very sudden and exciting events!

Under 18s MUST be acompanied by a responsible adult.

We should be finishing around 21:00. Afterwards anyone who wishes to go out for a refreshment or two is welcome to join us!


You are your choices.”



Sensei Matt Thurman – Aikido Nottingham

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News Update Monday 14th September

Training Focus

This week the class focus will be on curriculum practice. If you have any questions at all about your individual techniques this is the time when you must get on the mat. Here is the the schedule for the Module focus for the week.

Monday: Dynamic

Tuesday: Jo

Wednesday: Tanto

Thursday: Self Defence

Friday: Sword

Saturday: Ukemi

Congratulations.. Stephen Randell who passed his Shodan grading! On behalf of the Academy, we wish you all the best in your studies at Uni and remember you’re always welcome back on the mat whenever you’re in the area.

Kids’ Grading Content

With Grading week just around the corner here is a reminder of what we are going to be practing and then testing our Dragons, Juniors and Cadets on for the next 2 weeks.

Little Dragons



Each and every master, regardless of the era or the place, heard the call and attained harmony with heaven and earth. There are many paths leading to the top of Mount Fuji, but there is only one summit - love.”

Morihei Ueshiba


Sensei Matt Thurman – Aikido Nottingham

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News Update Monday 7th September

Training Focus

This is week two of the month, here is the training schedule for this week’s Adults’ classes.

Monday: Shomen Iriminage & Jo

Tuesday: Kotegaeshi & Tanto

Wednesday: Tenshinage & Self Defence

Thursday: Hijiate & Sword

Friday: Nikkajo & Ukemi

Saturday: Shihonage & Dynamic

Black Belt Grading

Saturday 12th September, 13:45. Stephen Randell will be going for his Shodan before he leaves us for University. Please be here to support him as he has worked really hard for this opportunity!


“You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up the belief that you can’t have it.”

Robert Anthony


Sensei Matt Thurman – Aikido Nottingham

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News Update Monday 10th August

Training Focus

Here is the training focus for this weeks classes.

Monday: Shihonage & Ukemi

Tuesday: Nikkajo & Dynamic

Wednesday: Hijiate & Jo

Thursday: Tenshinage & Tanto

Friday: Kotegaeshi & Self Defence

Saturday: Shomen Iriminage & Sword

Kids’ Curriculum

This month the Kids are grading on Module 5 of their curriculum. Check the videos below to see what your child will need to be practicing.


Little Dragons

Life Skills Topic

Here are the topics of discussion for this month’s ‘Mat Chats’

Summer School 2016

Due to popular demand we are going to be running a Summer School seminar next year. As before it will be on the last weekend of July, on Saturday and Sunday.

There are limited places, only 40, so make sure you get your name and deposit on the list!


When you stop chasing the wrong things you give the right things a chance to catch you.”

Lolly Daskal


Sensei Matt Thurman – Aikido Nottingham

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News Update Monday 2nd March

Training Focus

Monday: Ikkajo & Sword

Tuesday: Nikkajo & Dynamic

Wednesday: Sankajo & Free Practice

Thursday: Yonkajo & Jo

Friday: Shihonage & Tanto

Saturday: Sokkumen & Self Defence


Testing Module

Here are the testing modules for the kids this month.


Little Dragons

Mat Chat

This month we will continue the theme of talking about the Virtues of Bushido at how the relate to the way our students should behave in the present day. Please take some time to discuss these ideas with your children to re-enforce the message we give on the mat.


When something bad happens you have three choices. You can either let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you.”

Author Unknown


Sensei Matt Thurman – Aikido Nottingham

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News Update Monday 26th Jan

Training Focus

This week is curriculum and grading. Here is the module focus for the week.

Monday: Grading/Curriculum & Dynamic Practice

Tuesday: Grading/Curriculum & Free Practice

Wednesday: Grading/Curriculum & Jo

Thursday: Grading/Curriculum & Tanto

Friday: Grading/Curriculum & Self Defence

Saturday: Grading/Curriculum & Sword


Ourdoor Self Defence

Friday 20th Feb. 18:30 - 20:00.

This is our ‘Rural’ safety course taking place in Woodthorpe Park. If you take your self defence training seriously then this event should be considered mandatory!

You can meet at the dojo to go down to the park together, or feel free to meet us there!

Confidence Seminar

You! Yes you.

Do you want to feel more Confident? More Assertive? More Driven?

If you said yes then this is exactly what you need? Our whole focus with our teaching is to empower our students to live their lives in a way that gives them satisfaction, fulfilment and happiness.

Please let us know that your attending and if your abringing any guests and help us run a fantasic event, the more the merrier!


“Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world.”

Miyamoto Musashi


Sensei Matt Thurman – Aikido Nottingham

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News Update Monday 5th January

Hello everyone and welcome to 2015!

The start of e new year of training, what goals are you going to set for your progression this year?

Here is the training focus for this week.

Monday: Yonkajo & Tanto

Tuesday: Ikkajo & Self Defence

Wednesday: Shihonage & Sword

Thursday: Nikkajo & Dynamic Practice

Friday: Sokkumen & Free Training

Saturday: Sankajo & Jo

Kids’ Testing Module

At the end of this month the kids are testing on module 4 of their curriculum.


Little Dragons


“Successful people maintain a positive focus in life no matter what is going on around them. They stay focused on their past successes rather than their past failures, and on the next action steps they need to take to get them closer to the fulfillment of their goals rather than all the other distractions that life presents to them.”

Jack Canfield


Sensei Matt Thurman – Aikido Nottingham

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News Update Monday 29th September

Training Focus


Monday: Yonkajo & Tanto

Tuesday: Ikkajo & Self Defence

Wednesday: Shihonage & Sword

Thursday: Nikkajo & Dynamic Training

Friday: Sokkumen Iriminage & Free Practice

Saturday: Sankajo & Jo


Little Dragons


Sensei Mustard Class

Thursday 2nd October, 19:30- 21:00.

Outdoor Self Defence

Friday 21st November, 18:30 - 20:00.

Black Belt Tests

Saturday 29th November, 13:30 onwards.


Sunday 30th November, evening. Exact time to follow.

Christmas Meal

Saturday 13th December, evening. Exact time to follow.


Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.”

Joshua J. Marine


Sensei Matt Thurman – Aikido Nottingham

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News Update Monday 8th September

Training Focus

Here is the training focus for the week,

Monday: Shomen Iriminage & Dynamic Practice

Tuesday: Kotegaeshi & Free Practice

Wednesday: Tenshinage & Jo

Thursday: Hijiate & Tanto

Friday: Nikkajo & Self Defence

Saturday: Shihonage & Sword


Hajimae Class

Friday 19th September, 18:30 - 20:00

It’s here! If you want to push yourself through hell and back do the hajimae.

Those with injuries need not apply!

Outdoor Self Defence

Friday 21st November, 13:30 - 20:00

Take your Self Defence training outside of the Dojo and experience our one of a kind simulators to gain safe and controlled experience of a SD situation.


Keep your ears open for news of a confirmed date! All we can say right now is that the firewalk will be mid to late November.

See you there!


“A year from now you may wish you had started today.”

Karen Lamb


Sensei Matt Thurman – Aikido Nottingham

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